Yeah..you have gotten to be a better writer…just since I’ve been reading (6mos)… keep it up!

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Happy New Year, Ric! I don’t want James to puke, but I love the LA pics, so keep ‘em coming! Maybe offer Dramamine as part of a paid subscription? :)

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The Fred story, simple and profound, executed well with thought and knowledge. The rest was the same old stuff we have been reading for the last 2 years. Most of it copied and pasted from previous articles with links to previous or other articles to make it seem longer. All has been said before many times in a nonsensical chaotic structure to cause anxiety to its reader. If I see one more picture of downtown LA, I’m going to puke. Maybe take a different path to work Bucko and get a different shot. I find this article to be another feeble attempt at self-indoctrination. Write the fucking book asshole.

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