Ricler; I feel your pain! I had to revive some 90's technology myself a couple of years ago. We've decommissioned our CD/DVD replicators since then, but at the time we found ourselves having to reprogram the PLC's. To do that we needed Windows95 software. Since nobody (except you, evidently, ha!) had anything even remotely that old, we had to buy a vintage laptop with ancient software from eBay. As I recall, it was well over $300.00, plus shipping! Booting that thing up was a time warp. Blank 3-1/2" floppy disks are equally hard to come by; I actually pulled out a couple from a drawer at home from a previous life that we formatted and got it to work. Some people say you can never go back but I did go back, however reluctantly. Keep strivin'!

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Patster, your comments keep me going! At The Nixon, we had a MS-DOS POS system, with a Tractor-Feed Printer. Seriously? The printer literally took 45 minutes to print out a $243.37 sales day on a slow Monday. And then it FAILED.

Well, guess what? eBay has a printer just like that. And the controller had it in the tech closet in case of that eventuality. Tractor Feed. Only us know that. My next post may be about Gen-X technology.

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Ye olde tractor feed... that's primordial. And freakin' eBay, is there anything you can't find on there? If you can find a tractor feed printer there you can surely find dinosaur eggs ready to fry up. Hey, I could make "Pat's Eggs," my sole contribution to all the gourmet meals we had at out campsites. Since then I've become painfully aware of how much we took our world-class chef for granted. Looking forward to the Gen-X tech muse - keep 'em comin'!

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