Limiting comments to paid subscribers is the digital equivalent of screaming "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" in your readers' faces and walking away. The writer in this case is either too immature to accept criticism or only wants to make money off of their Substack, without caring for their readers' opinions.
I keep my articles and comments open because I WANT to engage with my readers. Granted, I would like to have more paid subscribers, but I can't force my readers to do that- it should entirely be their choice, as it was for me to take out the paid subscriptions I took out. And I need to create content that is worthy of getting me paid, of course.
More and more people are coming here (good!), but importing some of the cultural norms from the other sites (bad!). That covers everything from follow-for-follow shams to tone policing. I don't have much of a taste for either.
Limiting comments to paid subscribers is the digital equivalent of screaming "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" in your readers' faces and walking away. The writer in this case is either too immature to accept criticism or only wants to make money off of their Substack, without caring for their readers' opinions.
I keep my articles and comments open because I WANT to engage with my readers. Granted, I would like to have more paid subscribers, but I can't force my readers to do that- it should entirely be their choice, as it was for me to take out the paid subscriptions I took out. And I need to create content that is worthy of getting me paid, of course.
More and more people are coming here (good!), but importing some of the cultural norms from the other sites (bad!). That covers everything from follow-for-follow shams to tone policing. I don't have much of a taste for either.