I never encountered a position on abortion that wasn't founded in religion. New York state law declares that a miracle occurs the instant a fetus draws a breath, and suddenly becomes a human. Then there's Sandra Day O'Connor's Rule of Numerology. All the rest rely on some sort of miracle to determine when a fertilized ovum becomes a human.

I take a different tack, because I honestly have never found a common definition of "human." There is a common definition of homo sapiens sapiens: a multicellular individual with the homo sapiens sapiens genome in ever nucleated cell. I accept this, and oppose killing homo sapiens sapiens. Following the first division of the fertilized egg, the result is a live homo sapiens sapiens.

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Regardless of how one feels about Vance, his success (at least so far, anyway) proves that the online & offline worlds are 2 VERY different places. I mean, he won the primary in Ohio, so *someone* must be voting for him?

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