Let’s disagree over a drink and watch a fight: Mano v Mano
We started this project over three years ago and have covered a ton of ground, and the cool thing about time and space is that we all keep moving through it. Thanks for being here.
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This post has something for everybody. With a little bit from me. But mostly just a snap-shot in time to show the line-up card. Where’s Vince McMahon when you need him most?
This post focuses on the street corners we stand on more than the gladiators depicted above. Their battle is ours to watch and cheer on, but where will we be after the war?
A 2000-word post is about average for CSW. Not going to hit for average today friends. And that’s so ok, right? I consume opinions more than reactions, but find the latter funnier than the former.
The compilation of reactions below run the gamut, or the gauntlet, as it were. As a participant, I’m activated. Yet as a spectator, I’m amused. Yeah, I get my actions. I believe them to be thoughtful representations of my internal decisions on how to comport myself in public and civic affairs. Not always, but now.
Voting is one of those affairs. The gladiator version of the battle at hand seems so appropriate for the moment. The electorate is pushed to extremes and pulled to enclaves. We see a fight for freedom for all but you and a rejection of restrictions on both sides.
Robust rhetorical rages recede when we share a beverage - coffee, beer, wine, and everything else that makes us agreeable. Let us break bread and eat cheese and seek out fellowship. Friendship follows and disagreements are diffused.
There will be a break. We’re at ground-zero for fault right now. And yet, it’s happening in fast-slow-motion. We gather around the fires of our tribes for the mean time. I just keep asking what tribe are we in?
There are many voices, demands, social norms, and generational constructs that dictate the overall situational life that we must all lead. We must keep in mind that every war has a reconciliation. Every battle an end. So how far to fight?
Think about the idea of reconciliation before revenge. Engagement over exile. There is a lot of room for disagreement, but so much more for agreement. Voting is not hating. It’s just voting. And the winner wins. Not the favorite. Not the fool.
The playlist today is no words, just music. Play it in the shower, in your bed, on a road trip, or wherever you like it. In a good way. The way you like it. Right? Good.