Was Gonna Post My Usual Shit; Dropping the Deuce.
Highest number of clicks, greatest percentage of opens, and most widely read post since I started! Really people? Last week’s post was my most popular of all time.

Now I ask why? You know me - look every gift horse in the mouth. In fact, get an X-Ray on that gift horse. There’s a reason for that.
The whole how exactly did I do that thoughts that paralyze when asked to replicate success. Just that shit. No pressure right?
Well, there is the poop angle. I’m desperately hopeful that that is not my most successful literary device. But, then again, the accusation leveled against me that’s been most sticky in life is “You’re full of shit.”
So maybe there is a lesson to be learned here. Or at least acknowledged. But I am left to ponder the exact lesson I should be learning. On the one hand, is it . . .
Or on the other, it could be . . .
Ponder indeed. The Holiday Season is tailor-made for that type of deep philosophical ponderment. I’m tailor-made to tumble down the rabbit-hole of rhetorical-histrionics.
Thanks for following me down . . .
The Pitch
With about three weeks of the year left to squeeze out, many changes in life have found me this season. Suffice it to say, those challenges will manifest themselves into my day-to-day and eventually into my writing.
Being neither dependent nor a co-depender for the first time in my life brings a new and unfamiliar peace of mind. Labels like good and bad fade in the light of a new dawn.
Past regrets plowed asunder and future hopes, loud as thunder - neither able to direct the heart, affect the moment, or pull me under
What’s important is that I continue to write. And according to three of the top metrics, my posts have been increasing in readership engagement. I set two goals in August for my platform.
The first was to hit 25 paid subscriptions by my one-year anniversary. I thought it was reachable - with a stretch and good fortune - by 12/30/2021. You made it happen.
The other was a pipe dream; add about 450 emails to hit 1000 emails. I added about 25. I currently stand at 563 emails. That will grow in time. I’m ok with that. Humility.
To celebrate my goal-achievement, I wanted to make a unique offer that would reflect the push-pull of my current life-stream.
Yeah, here the huckster hucks and the barker barks. I thought this to be the most-least obnoxious way to self-promote while encouraging my readers to explore Substack and all of its amazing writers.
Gift One - Get One Promotional Offer
Regular readers are aware of my affinity for and financial support of my fellow Substack writers. I subscribe to a rotation of platforms only because of my limited means.
Full Disclosure: My earnings have totaled $928 since I began. That is entirely due to my patrons. You caused that and continue to sustain it. But the reality of writing is a financial reality for me as well.
Help grow my paid subscriptions and that of your favorite Substack writer. Simultaneously. Here’s the plan: Gift a paid subscription to Compass Star Wordsmith. To yourself or anyone you think would love reading the crazy stuff that fall out of my head!
And in return, I will gift you six months of any writer you choose here on Substack. I hear you - wait, six months? Yeah! This is a business, right?
Thanks. This will make you feel good.
I celebrate Christmas. If I celebrated other seasonal holidays, I would be proud of that and share the traditions of that cultural festivity. Experience tells me that all of my life elements are involved in all holiday celebrations. What life elements you ask? Read all about them here.
My Grandpa Smitty and Grandma Ces (moms parents) were about the two most important people in my life. (My mom and Grandma Waelbrock being another two!)
One of my favorite platform here on Substack is Time Travel Kitchen. Jolene Hardy writes an eclectic funky foodie post about baking long-lost recipes.
When I came across a recent post of hers about, of all things, Sour Cream Coffee Cake, my jaw dropped. And watered at the same time. I dug out a recipe book my mom gave to me for a birthday.
It is one of my most-treasured cookbooks. It contains hand-written recipe cards from Grandma Ces. Stay tuned for more recipes from the vault.
Jolene writes about this cake here. It is fascinating to see the same recipe, separated by such great time and distance, brought back to life. Please check out her platform.
I imagine we all have some special Christmas songs that bring back the happy moments of childhood and family life. I enjoyed compiling this list, and have listened to it a few times while cooking and just hanging out.
Please enjoy and share with someone special in your life. That will bring some joy into two hearts for the price of one.
Ric, thank you so much for this! It’s so special that you have this treasured cookbook and recipe that reminds you of family. Wonderful!
As always, very moving