This is not a cook book
but you will find some recipes in here
This is not a song book
but you will find some tunes in here
This is not a picture book
but you will find some artistry in here
This is not a poetry book
but you will find some poems in here
This is not a DIY book
but you will find some craftiness within you
This is not an autobiographical book
but you will find some memories in here worth sharing
In short, the book you are holding is more
Like a travelogue
Let’s ride the roads of my mind and soul
And see if we can share some beautiful
Moments together
Eliminate who you are not, and the rest comes easy. Pay it forward – give it back
There is no courage without fear
This is one man’s observation of, and opinions on, race, class, religion, and privilege based on my life experiences. Nothing that I feel, think, write, speak, intimate, imply, hint, insinuate, allude to, suggest, express, whisper, or god forbid – joke about - in any fashion, way, shape or form is a comparison of my experiences to any other. These are my experiences, my memories, my culture, and my life. I share this story in the hope that it is an interesting one. A chronicle that illustrates only one family out of millions who have contributed to the great American story. A story that celebrates all that is good in America. I hope to shatter, illuminate and counter the idea of a monolithic block of white people intent on destroying the lives of other people of a different skin color. That simply is not true.