Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.
You, my amazing and wonderful and lovely family, probably understand me as a group of 400-ish way more than any other group of 400-ish that I’ve ever gathered for story-time. And that’s saying a lot!
Because I’ve never gathered a group of 400-ish on my own time ever before. Not even for story-time. I’ve addressed groups and crowds and gatherings, and have been paid rather handsomely for those declarations.
That a writer’s way of saying that I stood on a chair and yell-told a bunch of worker-bees, wanna-bees, actors, newbies, temps, ex-cons, and actual serious professionals what kind of Catering Service they signed up for.
Then last week happened. The roller-coaster of life slow-climbs you up an unimaginable slope and then fast-plunges you into the splash-pool of consciousness.
The term Gathering connotes, to me in a digital age like this, a new interpretation of the Camp-Fire. Today at the Bowl, Culinary fired up the Mesquite-Wood Grill. The dark-season burn-off smell wafted wide and far, and infected every soul.
Every single person I interacted with mentioned the smell of Fire. And smelled of Fire. We now Stand Ready. It makes me conceive of and realize that there is a State of Readiness. Response and Reply is not just needed, but necessary.
The individual question becomes: Is it My Time or Group Time?
As you all ponder that conundrum, I’ll pile on. I’m not going to post on Fridays anymore! I just can’t.
So, Sundays here I come!
Stay Tuned - - -