POLITIX #2 - Unifying the Country
You have the right to be wrong. So do I. That's completely unifying.

Just like every dysfunctional family, America barely talks to each other. It seems the only time we do is at weddings and funerals. This says much about us. And where and how we choose our time and attention. Good times or Bad times. Nothing in between. The most uttered lamentation at both events is “to get together more often.” Yeah, right.
So goes the family, and so goes the nation. My readers know me well enough to know that I’m not pointing fingers. Hell, my family put the FUN in dysfunction! If anything, it’s a personal essay just pointing out observations and asking questions about them.
18% Say the US Is Going in the Right Direction
The first paragraph lays down some stone-cold hurt:
A new Monmouth University Survey found that only 18% of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction down from 24% two months ago [Who are these people?]. All told 80% say we are headed in the wrong direction. Biden’s job disapproval is at 57% with 37% approving and 58% say they it’s hard to pay for gas. It’s always about the economy in the end.
I’m cognizant of the popular refrain often heard lately, that a DC Universe MAGA-Movement with an Ultra MAGA Bad Orange calling every shot for his millions of mindless minions is responsible for all bad things in America. Nay, the Globe. Nay-Nay, the Universe. Is it true?
That indeed is a popular belief. Some of my readers may share that belief. Fine with me. But if one is to be informed, or like most of us, pretend to be informed, one needs to look at objective results of respected polling. Monmouth is widely respected. So is Gallup.
Click on this link to go to Gallup’s USA page. It’s a hell-hole of current events. It’s a snapshot of the current mood. America is pissed off. Ever since the Bad Orange rode the Gold Escalator America has been ripping itself apart. Feels like we’re at a national funeral and just found out we’re cut out of the will.
Many people loved to believe the conclusion of the next article I linked to. I live in So Cal, where even the Orange Curtain has been shredded. Repubs are so MIA in Cali they don’t even make the milk cartons.
Polling Data Shows Republican Party Affiliation Is Down As Independents Leaning Toward The Democratic Party Surge
The money shot?
Democrats have a nine-percentage-point affiliation advantage over Republicans at the moment.
Like Forrest said. So who exactly is in the 80% of Americans not happy with the direction of the country? Well, if you believe the data suggesting that the Repubs are on life support, the 80% aren’t Red Hatters. No, not the old ladies. The deplorables.
How can 2 out of 10 Americans be super pissed off at the political leadership and said leadership keeps blowing that off as Ultra MAGA? Mathematically it isn’t possible. It’s like the lie that the Repubs stopped the Build Back Better Bill. Uh, two Dems said no and shut the deal down. Same with the filibuster.
Doomlines are plentiful now:
This was the week Democrats realized how bad 2022 is going to get
‘We’ve Done F—ing Horrible’: Democrats Blame ‘Messaging’ for Failures
AOC Issues Major Warning To Democrats Ahead Of 2022 Midterms
New polls confirm Democratic problems for November
Democrats dread potential impending losses in midterm elections
Sure, as an Independent thinker AND voter, I enjoy reading these, just as when they foretold Repub doom. You see, it’s a party thing. I find it quite revealing that a segment of society that rejects binary choices as it relates to sex and gender relishes binary choices in voting and skin-color-thought.
Time and again, when a party has controlled all three branches, shit doesn't get done. When leaders gasbag and gaslight about “working urgently” from Day One of the crisis, and the crisis keeps getting worse, I’m left to wonder if it’s a system-problem or a personal problem.
Do you ever get pissed off at the fast-food counter when they are lolly-gagging your order? Then the smart-ass teenager snottily snaps “sorry, I’m going as fast as I can!” That’s the truth. That shitty performance IS the best that that person can do.
Believe me. I tried every motivational trick in the book to get my workers to engage in the work. The response I received to my last resort brought it all home for me.
Listen, I said, how do you feel when you go into a store and no one talks to you?
I’m glad. I don’t like people.
If that reply doesn’t reveal human nature in all of its splendid selfishness, what does? That person was treating others exactly the way they wanted to be treated. Alone and aloof.
So when a political person says they are working diligently on the crisis, that’s true. It’s also true that they didn’t say they are working diligently to solve the crisis.
Some argue it’s a system-problem. Fellow Substackers and talented writers are exploring that very question.
We’re being asked, nay, demanded to not contemplate two opposing thoughts at the same time. We’re being told to disregard the little voice in our head saying “is this cool?” It’s not okay to hold contradictory ideas. Two opposing things cannot be true.
I’m drawing the line right here. I just spent a day working. See below the line to see what. I followed my rule and let this ripen, and I re-read it in the jacuzzi. So it now stands on its own. Circling back is always an option.
Battleship Iowa. Memorial Day. Fleet Week.
Worked the event so not a lot of pics.
Honor the ones that give. And especially honor the ones that gave all.
Flip a coin to decide your next adventure. Heads north. Tails south.
Matt Taibbi ran a piece yesterday with the true story of the 2016 election. He identified much of the damage done, but never mentioned the greatest catastrophe: Joe Biden.
I didn't know the best city on Earth had a transport ship named after it!
I'd also say that Dem messaging /is/ in the toilet- and that's coming from a leftie.