Jews Are Nazis?
The word now becomes as meaningless as "Racist". Maybe it's not Willful Ignorance. Maybe it's just Ignorance. Or even worse: Is this HATE?

In a world where binary choices have become a despised relic of a patriarchal construct, nothing more than racist paradigms of last-gasping Bad Orange Lovers, the poor Jews now find themselves on the wrong end of the last remaining, and apparently preeminent, binary equation - Oppressor or Oppressed.
So now we got here. After sliding down the slippery slope of Semitic semantics, we’re swimming in the sludge. Looks like Hell to me. The red flags have been waving, the clarion calls ignored, the canary in the coalmine suffocated by the toxic and noxious fumes of ancient hatred.
And it’s good to know that one group of Jew-haters draws a distinct and definite line between their own Jew-hatred and that of regular Jew-haters. This rationale is beyond mind-blowing, but it’s basically: We are the legitimate Jew-Haters - those other Jew-Haters are just angry old white men. Johnny come lately to hate.

From the piece above
“It’s challenging to live in Montana and to see the hate like literally right in front of you,” said Lily Sussman, a pro-Palestinian demonstrator, as she looked on to the other group across the street.
And the next paragraph creates nuance never intended by the writer, it seems so perfunctory in context. What the writer doesn’t understand is reality. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Behind the incident were hints of a larger political conversation about anti-Semitism versus anti-Zionism. During the confrontation, the white supremacists attempted to unify themselves with the pro-Palestinian group under a shared banner of hatred against Jewish people. In turn, the pro-Palestinian group had to define their stance.
I just can’t get enough of this absolute mind-bending drivel - here’s another nugget of wisdom from the legit Jew-haters:
Meanwhile, at about 1 p.m. the pro-Palestinian crowd—numbering somewhere between 100 and 150—marched two blocks away to stand outside of U.S. Sen. Jon Tester’s office, demanding the legislator support a ceasefire in Gaza.
At about 1:20 p.m., by the time protesters marched back around the street from Higgins to the corner of Broadway and Ryman, the pro-Palestinian demonstrators spotted the hate group outside the courthouse.
As the white supremacists and pro-Palestinian demonstrators encountered each other, police kept the two divided between the road. But that didn’t stop a verbal exchange between the groups, which quickly became hostile.
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will soon be free!” pro-Palestinian demonstrators chanted, continuing with their message.
One man from the hate group, brandishing a swastika on his chest, yelled back into a megaphone “hip hip Hamas! Hip hip Hezbollah!” celebrating the Palestinian and Lebanese militia groups, respectively, that have combated Israel.
It’s good to know that the officially sanctioned legitimate Jew-haters “denounce hate”. Hmm, right after chanting “From the river to the sea”. How’s that denouncement going? And really Nazis, “Hip, Hip . . . “ Hitler would shoot you himself, you loser.
On the pro-Palestinian side, across her 15 years involved with international activism, Fuglei had never quite seen anything like what happened on Saturday. After calling another activist friend for advice, she figured out a strategy with her co-organizers.
It was determined that after denouncing the hate group’s views, the best approach would be to move the protest elsewhere.
For several minutes, pro-Palestinian demonstrators expressed their message that the two groups were not aligned.
“We love refugees! We love queer people!” Brendan Work, a lead organizer of the event yelled into a megaphone as the crowd cheered. A few hours later, Montanas in Solidarity with Palestine released a statement on Facebook, denouncing the hate group.
“We offer our unqualified solidarity with the Jewish and immigrant communities in Missoula against fascism and anti-Semitism,” the statement read.
“It’s important in Missoula, when Nazis come to town, we shout them down,” said Paul Kim, another organizer of the event. “Nazi values are not welcome in Missoula, and the pro-Palestinian movement in Missoula wholeheartedly rejects Nazis and their vile anti-Semitism.”
On the ever-shifting terrain of the intersectional identity landscape, Jews have crossed the final Rubicon - they’ve now become the Nazis. Much like Larry Elder, you know, the black white supremacist, Jews have not just fallen to the bottom of the identity-victim totem-pole, they’ve been exiled to the desert again. Too soon?
We now need new tribal identifiers if Blacks can be White Supremacists and Jews can be Nazis. Where are Mexicans and Asians on this? I experienced this in prison, oddly enough right? How come whites and blacks are described by skin color and others are not? Why not browns and yellows?
Weird, but a Hawaiian guy with skin the color of a chocolate-covered Macadamia Nut ran with the whites, and a Albino Mexican dude ran with the Southerners, isn’t skin color a lazy way of identifying tribes these days? Or thoughts? Or hate?
Skin color has always been mutable, long before Rachel Dolezal, as even Jesus can attest to. And what was the issue? Propaganda. : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.
Or what is now transmogrified into a skin color race to identity idolatry. No longer are ideas original, they’re assigned. Opinion no longer expressed, but regurgitated. Relics are rejected. Tradition is trashed. Humanity is hubris. Jews are Nazis. Blacks are white supremacists. Race is relative? Hate is required.
So Christian hands are not as clean as they would like to be, hence all of the Christian to Jewish outreach. Europeans - among them the Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, British, French, Italian - decimated civilizations upon conquest in the name of God. The 15th through 17th centuries were 400 years of lawless Darwinist conquest.
The blood, disease, and subjugation of infidels, non-believers, heretics, gypsies, tramps, and thieves thrived as great civilizations clashed. The power of death and the resistance to occupation comingled to produce the now-fraught borders that attempted to contain the eruption.
Violence is the only answer to power. And over-whelming power of death will crush resistance. What happened on 10/7 will go down in the annuals of history as another life or death struggle for the Jews. What happens now will determine if those annuals even get written.
And when resistance arose, history was not altered, but made. And these conquests happened so long ago nobody remembers. Even WWII is out of sight now. So naturally, it’s out of mind.
As is 9/11, no matter how profound that loss still reverberates. No matter T2T, which is among the most visible support networks for fallen first responders. So the issue really truly is ignorance.
But I draw the line between willful and deliberate. Every single protestor on a college campus has more access to world history and knowledge than 99% of people on Earth. They choose their ignorance. They are deliberate in their prejudice. They are willful in their hate. They select their enemies.

What Israel is at war with is not new. Certainly not for the Jews. But the concept of evil is new to most people under the age of 30. Evil is just what they saw on the screen or at Fright Night. Jason is not evil - he is make-believe. The reality of evil is just incomprehensible to so many. But oh too real for others in the same age group. Teenage college girls getting raped and dragged around in a pickup truck and then beheaded sounds like a great cause to rally behind.
It’s happened time after time. The last time it happened, we vowed to Never Forget. That was WWII - 78 years ago. We forgot I guess. Let’s remember together. Hitler tried a coup - called a Putsch. It failed and then he went to Plan B.
Destroy from within. He became Chancellor. And history happened after that. And now there are members of the US Congress working from within. And hating Jews. Where’s this going?
The Jew hating is so disgusting, the denials so repulsive, the celebration so destructive, it’s unfathomable.
I was toying with some alternative titles for this post.
End of Times
World of Hate
Allah Hates Jews?
Maybe you have something to contribute?
It doesn’t take much to find hate. Just Google it. Is this the world we envisioned? Is this what we want? Will there be a march around the world for the right of civilization to endure? Are we worthy of that honor?
We, as in the Human Race, have some deep questions to answer. I, for one, am leading the way in asking those questions.
What happens if Iran asks an Axis of Evil partner for a nuke?
What happens if Russia invades another country?
What happens if China blockades Taiwan?
What happens if North Korea bombs go haywire and hit Japan?
Any one of those circumstances could bring about a human-life-ending battle on Earth. Are you prepared? Can we even be prepared? No. We were not then and we are not now. Spend 15 seconds in another world, where ducking under a school desk was the government-issued protections for children in the event of Nuclear War.
Under the desk. We’re in the same spot now. Funny how the Jews are always at the forefront of great world events. What’s gonna happen now?
Search for protest and you get hate. If this was MAGA Red Hatters marching, the condemnation would be deafening. They’d lock’em up like J6rs’. It would be a HATE CRIME. Or at least a Micro-Aggression. But no, just a peaceful protest.
I’m signing off for now. The next time we have to interact may be under state control. Communications may be monitored. Or cut off. Is the end near?
Listen to Sinead to describe the pain and hurt. It’s upon us. It’s not tomorrow. It’s now. What will we do? How will we react and respond?
Yes, it is hate