We always think of where we’ll be in the next minute of our life. We’re fixated on making the next connection, or finding the new situation, or just fixing what has come before. When is it acceptable to just care about right now?
Not right now in the world, but right now in the moment. What moment? you ask wisely. Doesn’t matter, really. Just the moment you choose to stop. And quit slaving over things. I like shiny things. And all other kinds of pageantry, posing, and pomp. Those wonderful experiences seem to have ended long ago.
At the end of the road, as we often come to, we make some cold hard choices. What to celebrate, what to take with, and what’s left behind. The circumstances of each decision are unique. The loneliest decisions are those made convinced nobody else understands why.
I understand you. I know where you come from, and have been in those places. The ones you lived in and the ones you escaped to. And from. I built the tunnels and ran the maze. I kept setting myself free to find another logjam.
May be the secret is to ride the logjam? Which is what I am doing now. Tell me about your logjam. Mental. Physical. Spiritual. Emotional. Delusional. We all have a place we need to go. And a wild ride we need to take.
I’m going there now. Come along for fun,
speaking of rolling with the jelly