The Moment Requires Manhood.
I’m watching this scene as I write this - Jabba the Hutt, who identifies as male, enslaves a half-naked non-consensual 19-year-old-woman (who doesn’t identify as female, but is visually obvious to be one). Jabba’s species was long considered hermaphroditic, yet he’s pursuing Han Solo like a scorned lover (or creditor -same). Hmmm. Yet other Male proto-types populate the production to protaganate. They strive, fight, compete, almost die, and then win. Yeah. MAN.
They put on macho displays of manliness, competing for the girl (or sister), dominating other male (or quasi) characters, reviving robots and depending on droids for destionational survival. Live. OR. Die.
Mandalorian’s run coed and don’t separate on biological gender dysphoria boundaries, just on whether they’re badass or not. They determine their own death and fight their own battles within themselves. Conflicted and Convictive.
Mandolorian’s don’t kill everybody, nor do they choose their targets. Neither does Jason Bourne. The demons they chase are their own. The devils they capture are society’s. Outcomes fall short of their sacrifice. Historically, Men are that force.
Jedi’s come in all flavors. Yoda? This is the future we are living, as sexual confusion and gender dysphoria lead all forms of discussion. What is Male? Or Female? Am I, as a Male, different than a Man? Can a Woman be a Man? Can a Man be a Woman? Can I be Nothing? No Gender at all? Not accountable for my own existence? Zero contribution to the well-being of civilization? Just asking?
My go-to writers of Manhood Reality just delivered a one-two punch to girly-men. One to the balls and the other to the ego. You suck, basically. As a Man, you have a role. Yeah, it’s a structured society that you live in. Not an emotional-support-cushioned existence. Things are expected. Unwritten rules exist, dude.
Princess Leia strangled Jabba with her shackle-chain while wearing a gold bikini. I’m sure the dude-cum-lady that works at the pot-shop wearing the gold bikini last weekend could not kill Jabba the Hutt with a chain. Maybe his kindness?
Weak men are born of weak women. Weak Mommies, particularly. It’s a weak-doom-loop. I have managed staffs for the last 30 years and young men are flimsy as toilet paper. Twenty year old men twenty years ago started to get weak. Asking Mommy for their college schedules. Needing a break. Can I go home first? That’s a lot!
Now they are fully weak. Cannot shift a gear or change a tire. Never opens a door or walks on the outside. Won’t pick up the check or pay for the concert. Pathetic!
I’m left to wonder where strong men get their strength? How many famous athletes, in their moment of glory, first thank Jesus and then their Momma?
Men are paramount to the survival of civilization. Period. What kind of Men will survive brings many questions to my mind. I rarely hear a celebratory speech that calls out Daddy for all his help. When I do hear that call out, I feel emptiness.
"I don't know your name—but I take up your cause. I will not remove your mask until there is justice—until the Mandalorians have been defeated once and for all."
In the years after the Great Sith War, a female lived as a Mandalorian during the early skirmishes of the Mandalorian Wars. In 3973 BBY, she participated in the Mandalorians' devastation of the Outer Rim world Cathar. After the Mandalorians defeated the Cathar people, the woman tried to dissuade Cassus Fett, who led the attack, from committing genocide against the Cathar. However, Fett refused, and the Mandalorian female died along with the Cathar after Fett ordered their mass execution. Ten years later, the Jedi Knight Revan attempted to find evidence of the battle on Cathar. Revan found the Mandalorian female's helmet and donned it, promising not to remove it until he and his Jedi faction permanently defeated the Mandalorians.
What forms us as Men? What makes us strong or weak? Mothers do. Single Mothers make us the Men that we are (in my case). Situations make us the Men that act as we do. Every Man put into circumstances beyond his control, especially if self-imposed, has an innate desire to overcome. If not, that’s on you. As a man.
Weak Mothers breed weak Men. They dote over every need, fretting on every want, delivering every desire. It’s disgusting. Strong Mothers, on the other hand, show their Sons how to cook or clean for themselves. Do It Yourself!
Barely a 1000 words, but a broadside against the pussification of Men. I get our words, and nothing against pussy, but the cold hard truth is that Men do not have pussies. Period. Pun. Inserted.
When a Man is a Man, it’s not a critique of a Woman. It’s a compliment.
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